How Therapy Sessions Work

How sessions work healing therapy inner fulfillment tony collins

A consultation and case history is essential. The first session will include discussing the reason you are seeking Hypnotherapy, creating clearly defined outcomes, and getting started on the change process. This is a service that creates the best possible conditions for your success.

Hypnotherapy sessions are generally 1.5 hours to 2 hours long – please allow plenty of time before and after your appointment where possible. The overall number of sessions varies depending on your needs – a program of 2 to 6 sessions is most common.

Between Lives Regressions are an exception – these can last for up to 5 hours and it’s recommended that you allow a full day to integrate the experience.

A free case history by phone is available before booking an appointment – contact Tony directly for details.

Do you feel a Therapy session is right for you? View pricing or enquire about our Therapy sessions with Tony Collins.